Treatment Plan


The treatment plan aims to restore physical and emotional balance and strengthen your body’s self-healing ability. Complaints will diminish or disappear as a result. It can also reduce the risk of complications such as Type 2 Diabetes (age-related diabetes) and cardiovascular disease.

In all cases, BodySwitch establishes a personalized treatment plan. The principles of the plan depend on the goals we determine together. For you, this might be that you want to lose weight and work on the symptoms you have at the same time. Or you “just” want to improve your health. With the combined knowledge of nutrition, sports, weight management, coaching and orthomolecular medicine, you will have an effective treatment plan with an integrative approach.

The ultimate goal of the treatment plan is to show you that you can be the director of your own health.


Need help with health problems?

BodySwitch is a network of collaborating orthomolecular therapists and doctors. Our team specializes in treating many health problems and complaints in a natural way, including chronic diseases, autoimmune diseases, intestinal complaints, dementia, fibromyalgia, fatigue complaints and so on.

We have developed an approach to treat complaints from the cause through lifestyle interventions, supplementation and healthy nutrition. Our specialists may also be able to help you get rid of your complaints. Do you want to know how? Click on the button below for more information about our working method and treatments.

You can also request a 15-minute consultation for free and without obligation.

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      BodySwitch is a lifestyle medicine organization.