We offer three health pathways. Which course is best for you depends on your personal situation, your symptoms and your goals. More information on health pathways and fees can be found here. You can also opt for a separate consultation. The separate rates can be found below:
This does not include the cost of laboratory tests and supplements.
Rates as of January 1, 2020
Reimbursement from your health insurance
BodySwitch is affiliated with the MBOG (Society for the Advancement of Orthomolecular Medicine). The professional association monitors its members for adequate training and regular continuing education. Practice BodySwitch is registered as an official healthcare provider.
Treatments are covered by many supplementary insurance plans without a doctor’s referral letter. Whether you qualify for reimbursement and the amount of reimbursement depends on your health insurer and your health care policy. BodySwitch is not liable for reimbursement or non-reimbursement. So check your policy conditions carefully yourself.
During each appointment, you will be given an invoice to submit to your health insurance company. The invoice of an “Orthomolecular consultation” does not affect the deductible of the basic insurance.
Want to know if you qualify for reimbursement from your health insurance company? Then check out reimbursements orthomolecular medicine.
Make an appointment with the BodySwitch branch near you.
BodySwitch is a lifestyle medicine organization. The name “BodySwitch” refers to a lifestyle switch that leads to a healthier body.
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