
Food intolerances and health issues

A balanced diet is necessary for a healthy gut and body. However, foods that are healthy may sometimes still not be tolerated by the body.

We then refer to food allergies as severe reactions. People can even die from this. Consider, for example, eating a peanut that can be deadly to people who are truly allergic to it.
A so-called “anaphalactic shock” will then occur that can lead to death.

But the body can also show less intense reactions to foods. These are then called intolerances. Depending on the type of intolerance, so-called IgG or IgG4 reactions can be short- or long-term reactions. As a result, it is often difficult, or even impossible, to ascertain what causes reactions.

Many times we don’t even notice that we have these intolerances and so, without noticing, we often eat foods that stress the body on a daily basis.

Low energy, irritability, inability to sleep, bowel problems, irritable bowel and even muscle or attachment pains can be caused by this.

Eating these products that are harmful to the body can cause irritations in the intestines. Many times this also forms the basis for complaints such as eczema, chronic fatigue, abdominal pains, diarrhea, hormonal disorders and other, often “misunderstood” complaints.

There are examples of people who “suddenly” started eating “Paleo” (primal nutrition), which consists largely of nuts, for example. And people then turn out to be intolerant of some types of nuts. By measuring what people react to, it is then possible to see what is convenient to eat or not eat. As a result, the, up to that point, “misunderstood” symptoms will often disappear.

One thinks to eat healthy, but that can sometimes backfire.

Common intolerances are to grains, nuts, egg, dairy, pineapple, garlic, onion.

Then again, it may be that a person can eat almonds, for example, but not walnuts and other varieties. Per person, this is specific.
Specialized laboratory tests can be used to identify what is causing the problems.

BodySwitch specializes in identifying and helping to resolve these symptoms.

Thus we see that many misunderstood complaints may ultimately have a cause after all!

Want to know more? If so, please feel free to contact us.

Wishing you good health!

Frank Jonkers


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      BodySwitch is a lifestyle medicine organization.