
Everything needs maintenance

It is actually crazy that nutrition comes last and is a closing item for many. This while these same people say their health comes first. On the other hand, these same people spend a lot of money on luxuries such as vacations, luxury goods such as electronics, cosmetics and clothing. Or it often takes hundreds of dollars for a periodic checkup of the car, but for their health everything must be free or reimbursed or one does not have much money to spend. Nutrition then comes last. People often work hard and want to enjoy their beautiful things. But how long can you enjoy this? Many people do not even make it to retirement age or are too ill by then to still enjoy the finer things in life to the fullest. Cardiovascular diseases and Diabetes Mellitus type II (age-related diabetes) have actually become unfortunately “common” in our society and related to our unhealthy lifestyle. Very likely you also know people in your close circle with these problems, or have them yourself. Unfortunately, the number of cases is only increasing dramatically. I am often told that healthy food is not tasty or that it is difficult to eat healthy, or that it takes a lot of time to prepare healthy food. But that’s not right. It is actually very easy to make the right choices daily for the sake of your health. As long as you know how!


Need help with health problems?

BodySwitch is a network of collaborating orthomolecular therapists and doctors. Our team specializes in treating many health problems and complaints in a natural way, including chronic diseases, autoimmune diseases, intestinal complaints, dementia, fibromyalgia, fatigue complaints and so on.

We have developed an approach to treat complaints from the cause through lifestyle interventions, supplementation and healthy nutrition. Our specialists may also be able to help you get rid of your complaints. Do you want to know how? Click on the button below for more information about our working method and treatments.

You can also request a 15-minute consultation for free and without obligation.

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      BodySwitch is a lifestyle medicine organization.