Eat vegetables of the season: pumpkin!

Add fall color to your menu with pumpkin!

Want to eat vegetables with the most flavor, vitamins and nutritional values? Then eat the vegetables of the season! Although pumpkins are available year-round these days, the original season is fall and early winter. Therefore, now is the time to add pumpkin to your menu. Pumpkins are super healthy because they are packed with good nutrients and vitamins.

  • Vitamin A: good for your vision, skin and immune system
  • Calcium: ensures strong bones and teeth
  • Vitamin C: increases your resistance, contributes to healthy bones, teeth and skin
  • Potassium, good for your brain, muscles and nerves
  • Lots of fiber, few calories

The preparation possibilities of pumpkin are endless. You can boil, bake, stew and prepare a pumpkin in the oven. Pumpkin is very good in soup, Oriental stews, sweet and sour preparations, with goat cheese or in a chutney (mixture of mashed fruits & vegetables, cooked with vinegar and sugar and well seasoned).


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      BodySwitch is a lifestyle medicine organization.