Simple but effective workouts while at work? They exist! Tackle the sitting sickness with Deskercise.
Sitting all day costs us years of life. Despite this fact, most Dutch people sit in the office all day and relax after work. Sitting increases the risk of back problems, obesity-related diseases and shortens our lifespan. Many of us have such busy schedules that it’s hard to schedule a workout in there.
But staying physically active throughout the day is easier than you think! It is not only good for your health but also for your brain and productivity. We publish 45 tips in 9 series of 5 to stay active while at work. This is the fifth volume:
⦿ Getting up
Do you sit a lot during a day: Set an alarm and get up every 30 minutes, stretch or take a walk.
⦿ F riemelen
An easy way to exercise at work is to simply fidget. Play with a stress ball, sniff around your desk or give yourself a good shake to create a mental breakrun.
⦿ S tretching/stretching
Stretching is one of the simplest and most effective ways you can build into your daily work routine. You don’t even have to get up for it: stretch your back, fold your hands together and stretch them above your head, grab your chairrest and twist your back and shoulders.
⦿ Walk to your colleague
For once, don’t send an email, just walk up to your colleague to inform him/her. You walk around a bit and add a personal and professional “touch” that sets you apart from the rest.
⦿ S its on a balance/fitness ball
Trade in your office chair for a fitness ball. Just make sure the ball is large enough for good posture. Sitting on an uneven surface causes you to continuously use your abdominal and back muscles throughout the day.