Deskercise: tips to move more at work – part 3

Simple but effective workouts while at work? They exist! Tackle the sitting sickness with Deskercise.

Sitting all day costs us years of life. Despite this fact, most Dutch people sit in the office all day and relax after work. Sitting increases the risk of back problems, obesity-related diseases and shortens our lifespan. Many of us have such busy schedules that it’s hard to schedule a workout in there.

But staying physically active throughout the day is easier than you think! It is not only good for your health but also for your brain and productivity. We publish 45 tips in 9 series of 5 to stay active while at work. This is the third part:

⦿ S tanding push-ups
Place your hands in front of you against the wall, with your arms parallel to the floor. Lean toward the wall and push yourself away from the wall, as if doing push-ups (15 times, 3 times a day)
⦿ Water bottle exercises
Do bicep curls or tricep extensions using the water bottle as a weight. You can also use a water bottle to stretch out your back. Hold your bottle with your hands and stretch it out in front of you so that you extend your arms and arch your back forward. Then bring the bottle up and back for a good backward stretch.
⦿ Jump rope
During a break, walk outside for some fresh air and bring your jump rope! Your heart rate goes up and you exercise your legs and wrists.
⦿ Turn and pop your back
If you have been sitting still for a long time, it strains your back, even if you are sitting properly straight. To reset, grab the back of your chair on the left side with both hands and pull your body toward the chair, repeat on the other side. This is a good stretch and can also make your back pop. Then bend your back back and forward to release any remaining tension in your spine.
⦿ Squats
By working on your leg and core muscles, you will burn more calories throughout the day, even when your body is at rest. So take Squat breaks and let your body work for you unnoticed.


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      BodySwitch is a lifestyle medicine organization.