Simple but effective workouts while at work? They exist! Tackle the sitting sickness with Desk-ercise.
Sitting all day costs us years of life. Despite this fact, most Dutch people sit in the office all day and relax after work. Sitting increases the risk of back problems, obesity-related diseases and shortens our lifespan. Many of us have such busy schedules that it’s hard to schedule a workout in there.
But staying physically active throughout the day is easier than you think! It is not only good for your health but also for your brain and productivity. We publish 45 tips in 9 series of 5 to stay active while at work. This is the seventh volume:
⦿ S pell the alphabet with your foot
A funny and mentally engaging exercise to do when you are bored sitting at your desk is the foot alphabet. Take your shoe off under your desk. Next, with a straight leg, draw the letters of the alphabet with your big toe. Spread your toes as you write the letters. Repeat with your other leg. This exercise improves the strength of your ankle, the flexibility of your toes and feet and stretches your Achilles tendon.
Work-out during your lunch break
A smart way to stay active is to exercise during your lunch break. Doing exercises before you eat can help you recharge. If you have a half-hour break schedule a 10- to 15-minute activity: there are several workouts on Youtube that don’t require any equipment. Or you can take a brisk walk. This is stimulating and ensures that you can continue actively after lunch.
Take dance breaks
A great way to stay active, reduce stress and have fun is by taking dance breaks. Pick an upbeat song you like, put on your headphones and dance. If you are embarrassed to do this, or feel it is unprofessional to dance while working, do it in the restroom. Or dance as you walk up the stairs, or wiggle in your chair and move your head to the beat of the music.
⦿ Turn with your shoulders
A good exercise to do while sitting at your desk is to shrug your shoulders. It helps reduce tension in your shoulders. Roll your shoulders up toward your ears, hold, and roll them forward. Then roll your shoulders back, but hold them at the top again for a moment. Do these movements to loosen up your shoulders and neck for a while.
Spin around with your ankles and wrists
Especially if you sit and type all day, stretching your ankles and wrists can feel good. Slowly move your hands in circles in both directions. Do the same with your feet. Sometimes you can even feel or hear a snap when they are very tense. If you still feel pain or tension after that, give them a good shake.