BodySwitch Badhoevedorp

Getting naturally healthy and fit. Do you want to?

BodySwitch Badhoevedorp

My name is Martina Knaier. After years of working at home and abroad in the hospitality industry, I decided at the time to develop further and combine my job with studying business economics. I enjoyed working in the financial sector for the following years. Being a mother of two young sons, with the first few years not going smoothly, combined with a challenging job led me to burnout after years of stress. As a result, I have experienced firsthand the impact health issues can have on one’s daily functioning.

In my search for answers, I came across orthomolecular therapy. By adjusting my diet, lifestyle and adding nutritional supplementation, my body had a chance to pick up its self-healing ability again. The fantastic results piqued my interest even more and my passion in this field was born. I am still amazed every day how incredible results can be achieved in pathologies that are generally thought to be unresolvable. I have a particular affinity for fatigue- and stress-related complaints and AD(H)D.

Specialist: Martina Knaier

After years of working at home and abroad in the hospitality industry, I decided at the time to develop further and combine my job with studying business economics.


BodySwitch Badhoevedorp

Mijn naam is Martina Knaier. Na jaren in binnen- en buitenland in de horeca te hebben gewerkt, heb ik destijds besloten om mij verder te ontwikkelen en mijn baan te combineren met een studie bedrijfseconomie. De jaren daarna heb ik met veel plezier in de financiële sector gewerkt. Moeder zijn van twee jonge zonen, waarbij de eerste jaren niet vlekkeloos verliepen, in combinatie met een uitdagende baan hebben ertoe geleid dat ik na jaren van stress een burn-out kreeg. Daardoor heb ik aan den lijve ondervonden welke invloed gezondheidsklachten op je dagelijks functioneren kunnen hebben.In mijn zoektocht naar antwoorden kwam ik in aanraking met orthomoleculaire therapie. Door het  aanpassen van mijn voeding, leefstijl en het toevoegen van voedingssuppletie kreeg mijn lichaam weer de kans om het zelfherstellend vermogen op te pakken. Door de fantastische resultaten werd mijn interesse nog meer gewekt en ontstond mijn passie op dit gebied. Ik ben nog elke dag verbaasd hoe ongelooflijk veel resultaat er behaald kan worden bij ziektebeelden waarvan men in het algemeen denkt, dat ze niet op te lossen zijn. Een bijzondere affiniteit heb ik met vermoeidheids- en stress gerelateerde klachten en AD(H)D.

Specialist: Martina Knaier

Na jaren in binnen- en buitenland in de horeca te hebben gewerkt, heb ik destijds besloten om mij verder te ontwikkelen en mijn baan te combineren met een studie bedrijfseconomie.

Opening Hours








09:00 - 17:30

09:00 - 17:30

09:00 - 17:30

09:00 - 17:30

09:00 - 17:30



Op afspraak

Thursday: Evening hours by arrangement

Professional association

Member Number

Rates BodySwitch Badhoevedorp

Use the link below to view the list of all current treatments and rates.


Customer testimonials

Read other people's experiences here.

Ever since I was very small, I have had abdominal pain every day. I also slept poorly, had bad breath, and perspired a lot. Through the process at BodySwitch, I know what caused that. Right at the beginning of the course I noticed a lot of difference, I think I noticed change after only 3 or 4 weeks. Before I began the treatment process at BodySwitch, I was on medication for periods, heartburn or headaches. But since the treatment, this is no longer necessary. I no longer have stomach aches, sleep much better and perspire less. My mood has also improved positively. My energy level has gone up a lot. Even after an intense workout, I have energy left over. I love exercising again. And I have energy left over in the evening after dinner instead of feeling very tired.


This therapy with the orthomolecular therapist, Martina Knaier, of BodySwitch Badhoevedorp has given me much more than I expected at the start. As with many things in life, you get out of this treatment what you put into it yourself. Willingness to change lifestyle and daily eating habits is an essential prerequisite. I went into it with no expectations, but I realize that the whole treatment process took more than 18 months. That’s quite a long time, but apparently this time was needed to achieve this beautiful result!


I came to BodySwitch Badhoevedorp with eczema and nose cycle complaints. I gained some insight into the cause of the symptoms, but not completely. Apparently, the cause of my symptoms is very difficult to determine. At the beginning of the treatment process, I stopped using eczema ointments, also because the eczema symptoms, which were highly variable anyway, were mostly gone. The eczema is now very well controlled, I am hardly bothered by it anymore. My gut flora has also improved a lot, making me feel a lot fitter, unfortunately the nasal cycle still bothers me. The turnaround in nutrition feels very good. Thanks to Martina Knaier’s advice, I started eating differently and more varied, with (even) more fruits and vegetables, good fats and proteins, and less sugar.

I experienced Martina’s approach as very positive. She is very knowledgeable, involved and empathetic. She exudes a high level of commitment to doing everything possible to improve the client’s health, including in consultation with her fellow therapists when necessary. If it is not clear beforehand whether a drug or treatment will work, she says so honestly. Martina makes thoughtful and considered choices in her advice to clients.

For the medically less well-initiated client, the steps of the treatment process are sometimes somewhat difficult to comprehend (for example, how exactly to interpret a certain result of a laboratory test, or what the concrete effect of a nutritional supplement is). But that is inherent in the complexity of the human body.


My orthomolecular therapist, with a proper diet and with proper supplements for immune system and intestinal flora, pointed me in the right direction. She first ordered stool and blood tests at RP Analytic’s laboratory. The points for my pancreas more than doubled. The points for excessive gluten have been reduced threefold. The sugar levels are a lot more reasonable than when I started the diet. To get these sugar levels down to the proper regular values, I continue to follow the diet.

My energy level has gone up a lot. Even after an intense workout, I have energy left over. I love exercising again. Fortunately, I no longer have a stomach ache either. I have energy left over in the evening after dinner instead of feeling very tired.

I am very satisfied with Martina Pieterse as my orthomolecular therapist.

Tarieven BodySwitch Badhoevedorp


1st Intake consultation standard (up to max. 75 min)

  • Online questionnaire
  • Food diary
  • Discuss insights analysis
€ 145,-

Application for laboratory testing

Request blood or fecal examination (per examination).

  • Application for laboratory testing (by arrangement)
  • Analysis of survey results
  • Explanation of survey results
€ 47,50,-

Personal plans

Preparation of personal treatment plan (standard)

€ 145,-

Preparation of personal nutrition plan

€ 105,-


Consultation briefly or by phone (max. 25 min.)

€ 55,-

Consult standard (max. 50 min.)

€ 110,-

Consult long/Discuss treatment plan standard (max. 75 min)

€ 145,-


Do you have health issues? Then make an appointment with: BodySwitch Badhoevedorp!


BodySwitch is a lifestyle medicine organization.