Increase your chances of pregnancy!

Both men and women are increasingly struggling with fertility problems. Sometimes there are medical reasons why you are unable to conceive. But if that is not the case and you are declared healthy by doctors, it is important to look deeper into your own lifestyle and possibly other factors. By working toward optimal health, you increase your chances of pregnancy. That can be the difference between getting pregnant or not.

Factors that may affect fertility

There are several causes in our modern society that can affect our health as well as fertility. Smoking, alcohol, drugs, improper diet, nutritional deficiencies such as important vitamins and minerals, intestinal problems, diabetes and not exercising are all factors that have a significant impact on our fertility. The use of cosmetics and body care products is also not without danger and can affect fertility by disrupting hormones through so-called endocrine disruptors. In my book “Core Healthy – Lifestyle as Medicine for Western Diseases,” I have written extensively about this.

Attention to healthy lifestyle

Although there are wonderful technical options in the case of reduced fertility, such as IVF and ICSI, there is still too little attention to nutrition, lifestyle and nutritional supplements in mainstream care. No comprehensive history is taken to examine the overall health of both the man and the woman to look for the possible causes of non-fertility for both the man and the woman. Only obesity is considered, but that is only one of many factors. In fact, even slim people can be unhealthy and even malnourished. And by this I mean that they may be chronically deficient in important nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.

Just eating healthy

Women who want to get pregnant or are already pregnant are often told that nutritional supplementation is not necessary. One assumes that you “just eat healthy. But “just eating healthy” does not provide enough nutrients in many cases. Only folic acid is advised nowadays and in many cases vitamin D, but often too low a dosage without checking the values in blood as well. Personal supplementation and a good basic diet tailored to your situation can therefore make the difference between getting pregnant or not.


Taboo among men

Among men, there is still sometimes a taboo regarding infertility. Men, for example, do not want to be examined because they think it is not because of them. Yet in many cases, the cause of failure to conceive does lie in the man’s reduced fertility. Consider a shortage of sperm cells or too few moving sperm cells. In other words, too poor a quality of seed.
The great thing is that you can often do (a lot) about this.


High homocysteine levels

Deficiency of vitamin B2, B6, B11 (folic acid) or B12 can lead to high homocysteine levels. Research also found that men who drink more than six cups of coffee a day have high homocysteine levels. This effect is enhanced by hormone preparations, certain medications, alcohol abuse, smoking and improper diet. Homocysteine levels can be brought down by including organic vegetables, fruits, legumes, fresh nuts and especially sprouts (alfalfa, bean sprouts, etc.). But in many cases, this is insufficient. It is important to determine a comprehensive vitamin and mineral status in the blood to see if deficiencies are a factor, and if so, which ones and to what extent. Based on this, you can then make excellent adjustments by targeted supplementation.

Antioxidants and their importance in damaged sperm cells

Increased free radical damage in sperm cells has been found in men with impaired fertility. Antioxidants can counteract this. This is especially true of the B vitamins, including folic acid, vitamin E and the minerals zinc, magnesium and selenium. High vitamin D levels are additionally important for sperm motility. Acetyl-L-carnitine combined with L-carnitine and use of Q-10 can also improve sperm production, activity and quality.

Nutritional supplements

However, there is a lot of quality difference in dietary supplements. For example, a cheap house brand multivitamin often contains poorly absorbable minerals in the carbonate or oxide form. Chelates (bound to an amino acid), citrates or pidolates are well absorbed, however. So pay close attention to that. In addition, the amounts of magnesium, vitamin C and magnesium found in a multivitamin are always insufficient. Therefore, know what you are taking and what it is doing to you! Too much, or just too low a dosage, incorrect composition can cause you to have an adverse effect. Through specialized blood tests, for example, we can identify the correct vitamin and mineral status and then provide targeted supplementation.

Healthy pregnancy

Of course, not everything can be solved by taking supplements alone. Equally important is to improve lifestyle by eating healthy, not smoking, no alcohol, no drugs, reducing any stress and obesity and getting enough exercise. Working on optimal health not only helps you get pregnant, but you are also at less risk for complications during pregnancy and preterm birth. It also means a greater chance of having a healthy baby, more energy and faster recovery after pregnancy. Pregnancy is like top sport See also my article: A healthy pregnancy is like top sport!

Specialist counseling at BodySwitch Heemskerk

Want to increase your chances of a healthy pregnancy? Frank Jonkers of BodySwitch Heemskerk is a specialist in nutrition and health and also guides many people through a healthy pregnancy. At one time, he himself weighed 135 pounds and had incipient cardiovascular disease, diabetes and many other health issues. Maintaining the right diet and lifestyle almost always solves the problems! He has already helped more than a thousand people resolve health issues.

Would you also like to know what I can do for you?
Please feel free to call BodySwitch Heemskerk, Frank Jonkers: 0251 – 234 000

Good chance I can help you, too.

I wish you very good health and pregnancy.

See you in my practice?

Frank Jonkers.


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      BodySwitch is a lifestyle medicine organization.