Please contact our orthomolecular therapist in Leiden, Nienke would be happy to help you.
“My experience as a nurse and life experience have taught me that symptomatic treatment alone is limited and that every illness requires an integrative approach and support.”
Since childhood I have been interested in man, anatomy and his origins. That resulted in a job as a pediatric hematology nurse. My life experience and experience as a nurse taught me that symptomatic treatment alone is limited and that every illness requires an integrative approach and support.
From that conviction, I decided to train as an orthomolecular therapist according to kPNI (clinical psycho-neuroimmunology). In addition to my job as a nurse, I have now been working as a therapist for several years, treating people with a variety of complaints. I am currently taking a multi-year kPNI course to deepen my understanding of how the psyche, the immune system and neurology are inextricably linked.
Thus, I learn how our current environment and lifestyle is in conflict with our genes. We evolved in an environment of scarcity, short-term stress, cold and hunger, unprocessed food and lots of food from the sea. With all of these factors, our bodies can cope extremely well. However, our life anno 2019 has very different challenges and we are definitely not adapted to all the comforts, eating too much and too often, little exercise, poor nutrition and chronic stress. All kinds of complaints and chronic (affluent) diseases result from this.
The scientific insights from kPNI help me immensely in understanding the path that led to the disease. Thus, the origin becomes clear and the right therapy path can be chosen. Nothing like explaining this to clients to bring a piece of integral health and awareness to them!
Finally, my own experience with endometriosis and IVF provide me with a special affinity for fertility problems. Adjustments in my lifestyle have brought me much good here, two healthy children. In the future, from my experience as a pediatric nurse practitioner, I would like to delve further into autism and ADHD in children. For them, with the right lifestyle modifications, there is much to improve around concentration and social behavior. I would like to contribute to that!
Want to know more? Contact our Orthomolecular therapist in Leiden.
Please contact our orthomolecular therapist in Leiden, Nienke would be happy to help you.
BodySwitch is a lifestyle medicine organization. The name “BodySwitch” refers to a lifestyle switch that leads to a healthier body.
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