At BodySwitch, we look at the causes of autoimmune diseases. From our view, the disease itself is not hereditary, but the factors that cause the disease may be hereditary. Consider intolerances to lactose, dairy and gluten, for example. Bacteria, parasites, fungi, viruses and yeasts are also among the possible causes. Often patients are unaware of this or it has not yet been determined (properly). An enormous amount is now known about the causes of our rapidly changing environment and lifestyle factors that cause us to get sick. We call this epi-genetics. The role of our environment to the expression (expression) of certain genes. BodySwitch particularly focuses on the epi-genetic factors and thus environmental factors in treating the patient.
Scientific developments within epi-genetics are rapidly following one another. We are becoming increasingly aware of the effects of environmental factors that affect our health. This is very important because we can now see that many of our diseases are caused by these factors. In epi-genetics, one studies the reversible heritable change in gene functions. These changes occur without changes to DNA and are transferable to subsequent generations. Even common nutrients, as well as toxins and stress, can alter the expression of genes and make us healthy or sick.