BodySwitch - Your Switch to better health!

Want to know what's going on with your body ?

At BodySwitch we tackle the origin of your chronic complaints together !

Did you know that over 8 million people in the Netherlands have one or more chronic conditions. And that as a result, the quality of life of themselves (and those around them) is often unnecessarily severely affected! BodySwitch’s mission is to make more people aware that something can indeed be done to sustainably improve persistent health complaints: by identifying the cause and effectively addressing it with the scientific insights from orthomolecular medicine.

With a broad, integrative look at each person’s personal health situation, supported by specific laboratory testing for food intolerances, digestive capacity of the intestines or deficiencies in the body, BodySwitch develops a customized individual treatment plan. With nutrition, exercise, lifestyle and supplementation as key ingredients. We have physicians and therapists in our network with extensive expertise in many diverse chronic conditions:

BodySwitch is the only professionally established network of collaborating practices within orthomolecular medicine in the Netherlands. Our experts share their knowledge and experience, supporting each other in resolving health issues. The quality of care is our top priority.

Our doctors and therapists can counsel you via e-consultation (digital or phone), or within the practices. Sign up for a free consultation about whether and how we can help you deal with persistent health problems. Together we will discuss which expert in our network is best suited for your specific situation. We wish everyone a healthy(er) future and our experts will do their utmost to improve your quality of life as well.

Lifestyle as medicine - BodySwitch.

BodySwitch is a national network for lifestyle medicine. The name “BodySwitch” refers to a lifestyle switch that leads to a healthier body. Healthy diet and lifestyle are key to solving many health issues. Our specialized orthomolecular doctors and therapists help with a plan tailored to you to naturally regain and maintain health and fitness.

From our practices, we help people, many of whom have suffered from health problems for many years. They have usually tried many things, but nothing has really helped. Or people who have been taking (heavy) medication for ages and would really like to get rid of it. With our unique approach where we use lifestyle as medicine , we look for the cause of your symptoms, and have already helped many people get rid of their health problems.

Do you have chronic health issues? And do you want to change course to become naturally healthy and fit? Then get in touch with us!

A healthier organization with BodySwitch@work!

BodySwitch@work helps organizations become healthier and fitter to sustainably perform better. A fit and healthy organization performs better, has more energy and greater clout. We are happy to help with the Switch to a healthier organization

Exclusive webshop with consistently low prices.

Our clients benefit from exclusive access to our web shop. Through this webshop, they can order a rich assortment at consistently low prices of high quality nutritional supplements, foods and vitamins, which are recommended during the treatment process. All brands are available. Also available are numerous products for the purpose of male and female grooming, pregnancy, makeup, perfume, sports, sexuality, self-testing, first aid and the like.

If you sign up now for more written or telephone information about our approach, you too will receive no-obligation access to this webshop.

Want to know more? Request information without obligation!

BodySwitch treatments

Our treatments aim to naturally restore your body’s balance. Each person is unique. We
create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your personal situation. Your health is paramount.

Our treatments aim to naturally restore your body’s balance. Each person is unique. We create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your personal situation. Your health is paramount.

Crohn's disease Colitis Ulcerosa

Irritable bowel syndrome

Chronic fatigue

Heart and
vascular diseases

Thyroid complaints

Hormonal complaints

Autoimmune diseases

Chronic Complaints

Our working method

We have developed a unique and successful working method based on the principles of integrative and orthomolecular medicine. At BodySwitch, we always look for the cause of the symptoms first and do not treat symptoms. To do this, we use specialized laboratory testing.

Based on the results, we create a personalized treatment plan to help you get rid of your symptoms and restore your body’s balance. For best results, we are happy to work with your treating physician.

Our treatment is based on four pillars:


Food and lifestyle habits are usually ingrained. Changing your lifestyle is not easy. We will guide you through this process.


Sufficient exercise is crucial for good health. Together with you, we look at ways in which you can give substance to this.


Healthy, pure foods are the building blocks for a healthy body. Many chronic diseases can be solved by switching to a healthy diet.


Depending on your personal situation, we deploy targeted supplementation. For example, to support your recovery or supplement deficiencies.

BodySwitch events

BodySwitch blogs

BodySwitch events

At this time, how do you make sure your immune system is in good shape? Wondering what you can do to boost your resistance? Did you miss the online lecture Boost your immune system? Get the link to watch it back here!

BodySwitch blogs

What role does magnesium play in my persistent symptoms ? Why is recognizing magnesium deficiency important? We cannot stress enough the importance of recognizing a magnesium deficiency on time,…

In the Netherlands, more than 20 percent of the population struggles with some form of intestinal problems. And while we cannot lump the causes together, an imbalance of gut flora plays a crucial role in almost all cases. In this article you will learn all about the gut and what it can teach you about your health situation.

BodySwitch blogs

What role does magnesium play in my persistent symptoms ? Why is recognizing magnesium deficiency important? We cannot stress enough the importance of recognizing a magnesium deficiency on time,…

In the Netherlands, more than 20 percent of the population struggles with some form of intestinal problems. And while we cannot lump the causes together, an imbalance of gut flora plays a crucial role in almost all cases. In this article you will learn all about the gut and what it can teach you about your health situation.

Find your nearest branch

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      BodySwitch is a lifestyle medicine organization.